Prof. K.V. Thomas, Minister of State for Agriculture, Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution announced approval of a package of Rs.246 crores under the Idukki and Development of Kuttanand Wetland Eco-system.
He also announced that a Coordination Committee would be constituted in the Ministry of Agriculture for reviewing the progress of sanctions of projects under both the packages by different departments and Ministries of Government of India.
The Government of India has sanctioned a project for Rs 230 crores for PEPPER rejuvenation in Idukki funded by National Horticulture Mission which will be implemented by the Spice Board. It was decided that the State government and its various committees constituted for implementing Idukki package will monitor the implementation of this project.
A project for Coconut rejuvenation in Idukki at an estimated cost of Rs. 63 crores is under considered of the Coconut Development Board.
Ministry of Environment and Forest has already sanctioned Rs.50 Lakhs to the Department of Forest, Govt. of Kerala for augmenting bio-diversity at Vembanad lake for Kuttanand Wetland Eco-system. Ministry of Water Resources has already sanctioned Rs. 45 lakhs for undertaking the scientific study of the Thaneer Mukkam Barrage through IIT Madras and CWRDM Kozhikkode. Department of Animal Husbandry has already approved an outlay of Rs.10 crores towards various intervention in the Animal Husbandry, Dairy and fishery sector for Idukki package and Kuttanand Wetland Eco-system for the current year. Detailed project report will have to be submitted by the State government
Under the Seed Village Programme, a project to the tune of Rs. 5 crores is being considered for approval. It has been decided to resubmit the scheme for establishment of Soil Testing laboratories within the existing guidelines. It was further decided to consider introduction of floating soil testing laboratories particularly for Kuttanad.
A special scheme for training unemployed agriculture graduates and assisting them for setting up agri clinics/small business in agriculture will be drawn up by the State Government in association with Central government and submit for approval. Government of India has agreed to provide sufficient financial assistance for such projects. Special workshop for this will be convened in Kerala in the first half of July where Government of India’s representative will also participate.
A Joint project with the Central Warehousing Corporation for setting up warehousing facilities for Kuttanad project will be taken up provided the state government agrees to participate in the joint venture by providing land. It was decided that state will submit a proposal to the Ministry of Environment and Forest under the National Wetland Convservation Programme to control the aquatic weeds at Kuttanad.
After discussion it was decided that the state government would submit a revised project under the ongoing scheme like NHM, MMA and RKVY which is estimated to the tune of about Rs. 100 crores.
Any resource gap after submitting these proposals will be considered separately if the state government submits a detailed proposal to that effect seeking additional funds.
A representative from the Ministry of Agriculture will be a special invitee to the Executive Committee meeting of both the packages headed by the Chief Secretary in Kerala.